Press Release Summary: More and More Companies Are Going Online For Survival
Press Release Body: Now that Foreclosures are at an all time high; Home owners Investors, House Flippers and Rehabbers are getting stuck with properties longer than ever now. Holding properties that once could be sold in 30-60 days are now taking 120 days or more to sell.
Basic real estate principles will always work and can help you build wealth, especially if you have good credit, some extra cash to invest up front, and are willing to allow time to realize significant profits from your investments. But, if you are like 95% of people interested in getting into real estate, or those who have been at it for a while and have not been able to experience the big financial breakthrough yet; you need to be able to do deals without using your own cash or credit, without risking your life savings, 401K, or maxing out your credit cards, and be able to do them quickly.
There are pros and cons of the various investing methods being promoted today but there is another avenue that seems to be tipping the real estate investing success scales. The big key is that you must be online as an investor to even begin to dominate your market. Real Estate Investors that are still growing their profits seem to have this one thing in common: They are all doing business and finding their customers online! The best thing is that once their online marketing is implemented the leads are coming to them! According to The National Association of Realtors, over 80% of real estate transactions are originating online.
The best and most common successful set up is that each of these online investors have a webpage that can generate leads. Cookie-cutter or replicated websites do not typically best serve their clients - but give more of a false hope. Most people don't realize how easy and affordable it is to set-up a proper lead capture website.
Because of these issues, Charles Dudley of Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC has put together a 12 week intensive online training course called REI Most Wanted Secrets to teach the latest power strategies of combining real estate investing and internet marketing. For more information on this topic go to Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC provides consulting and training services in the areas of real estate investing, internet marketing, sales training, and small business start ups.